Thursday, December 17, 2009

How To Create Your Portfolio At Deviant Art

The launching date of Deviant Art is August 2007, As we know that this is one of the best website for designers, artists and people who love likewise stuff. According to Wikipedia,

“As of May 2009 the site consists of over 10 million members, over 81 million submissions, and receives around 105,000 submissions per day.The domain attracted at least 36 million visitors annually by 2008 according to a study.”

Which means, it can be a good fit for your business if you can create a portfolio there. Now you can! Deviant Art now has a feature where you can configure your very own Portfolio in minutes, design and submit your work there and give it a chance for a potential person to review it easily.

They are offering two choices, Basic or Free Portfolio or A premium one.

Basic Offers:

Free hosting for up to 100 images. domain name.
Compatible with all major browsing platforms and most advanced mobile devices, no need for plugins!
No advertising.
An easy-to-use interface with no HTML
or coding skills necessary
  • Free hosting for up to 100 images.
  • domain name.
  • Compatible with all major browsing platforms and most advanced mobile devices, no need for plugins!
  • No advertising.
  • An easy-to-use interface with no HTML or coding skills necessary

Premium Offers:

  • Unlimited portfolios and image hosting
  • Additional domain choices including
  •, and
  • Use your own personal domain (
  • No deviantART branding on your portfolio
  • Password Protected access option
So basically it depends on how you want it. Check it out here

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Run Two Computers On The Same Screen

Time saving now a days is very important for every one, because life going fastest as much as the older one, f you work around computers and working on 2 computers or more is your need then it can be tough. All those cross wirings and with you going around from one pc to other can highly decrease you efficiency. You need something simple and usefull for such situations. There is a software called Win2VNC which can help you solve your problem.
Its a Free software and GPL (General Public License) software and can be used by anyone without any notice to developer. Win2VNC multiple pc sharing

This program will let you use two screens on two different computers as if they were connected to the same computer. It even works between different operating systems. If you have two or more computers on your desk and you are tired of having several

Friday, December 11, 2009

7 Useful Applications For Windows 7

After the Windows Vista the most useful and the recommended window that came into being is Windows 7, and this window is much better than the previous versions of windows and now I hate windows Vista - speedwise and supports almost every thing. Most of the users (like myself) have shifted or are being shifted to Windows 7 gradually. There are many awesome windows 7 applications, almost all the major ones already have their own versions which are for windows 7 only. I’ve compiled here a small list of Windows 7 applications that you will definitely like, some of these applications are new and are in beta phase (which you can also participate in the testing and development), rest have their final versions, so on and so forth.

1- Windows 7 Application Launcher (7APL)

7APL is an application launcher made with Windows 7 in mind. You can launch single applications or group of applications with a single hot key or by using the newest features of Microsoft’s latest OS — JumpLists and interactive thumbnails which are well-integrated into the application. This gives you 3 easy ways to launch applications:

  • Right click access to profiles through JumpLists (whether the app is opened or closed)
  • Customizable hot keys for each individual profile
  • Interactive thumbnail to view/launch profiles (hover over 7APL icon in taskbar)

Features Include:

  • Options – Run 7APL at system boot, minimize on startup, and minimize on close ensures you can keep the launcher running at all times if desired
  • Profile pictures – Associate pictures with profiles to easily identify between them.
  • Hotkeys – Specify hotkeys on a per-profile basis to launch your applications
  • Interactive thumbnail – Launch profiles directly from the taskbar
  • Jumplist support – Launch profiles or tasks directly using jumplists
  • Toggle Mode – Toggle mode allows you to close the apps you launched (on a per-profile basis)
  • Exceptions – Pesky applications that won’t close can be added as an exception
  • Pinning – The application pins just fine for those who want it constantly running
  • Profiles – Group applications into profiles to launch them simultaneously.
DOWNLOAD HERE (Beta Version)

2- 7Stacks

7stacks is an easy to use, free app that lets Windows 7 (and Vista and XP) users have “stacks” of icons in their Taskbar (in 7) or QuickLaunch Toolbar (in Vista and XP). By using stacks, users can reduce icon clutter, and combine a group of related icons into a single icon. For instance, if you use application suites such as Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or Adobe CS4, you can have all the suite’s icons combined into one icon!You can also use it to browse and access documents within a folder very quickly. Usually, when you want to edit a series of frequently used documents, you’d have to either launch the app, and go to File>Open, or open the (My) Computer icon and go into your (My) Documents folder and pick the file you want. With 7stacks, just create a stack to that document’s folder, and open that document in a couple of clicks.

3- SetteMaxer

SetteMaxer is a freeware tool that can help you to optimize and solve problems in some fields of Windows 7 easily, instead of navigating on registry & services that causes time loss.Features:
  • Optimize Menu Show Delay: Sets delay value of menus to 0 in order to have an os navigation faster.
  • Optimize Wait to Kill Services Timeout: Sets its value to 1000 in order to shorten shutdown/restart duration.
  • Optimize Wait to Kill Applications Timeout: Sets its value to 1000 in order to shorten shutdown/restart duration.
  • Optimize Application Response Timeout: Shorten Application Hung Timeout when an application is not responding in order to restart or end it faster.
  • Optimize Low Level Hooks Timeout : Shorten Low Level Hooks Timeout
  • Enable Auto End Tasks: Enables closing the applications all together when shutdown/logoff/restart signal has been sent.
  • Enable Desktop Composition: Enables Windows Aero interface even Windows Experience Index could not be started / completed or probably is not enough to enable it.
  • Disable AutoReboot on Crash: Disables AutoReboot feature on Crashes, It may be possible to carry on the work if the problem is not stopping windows. Even if it is stopping, at least the error will be seen easly.
  • Disable Task Scheduler: Disables Task Scheduler.
  • Disable Remote Registry Access: It can be useful to protect the registry disabling of remote access if it is not needed to use.
  • Disable Windows Defender: Disables Windows Defender if you prefer not to use it to have a faster system as disabling default security options, will decrease security level.
  • Disable User Access Control: Disables UAC as configuring it to level 0. it will increase the system performance and probably compatibility of older applications while launching them as disabling default security option, will decrease security level.
  • Enable Sidebar When UAC Disabled : Enables Sidebar User Access Conrtol is disabled.
4- Jumplist Launcher

5- EnhanceMySe7enFree ( Windows 7 Optimizer)

The program offers tools that take care of the registry, disk space and its defragmentation, installed software, HDD temperature and all sorts of things related to system’s health. Also there are lots of other options helping to boost your system’s performance.

With a clean and simple interface it brings you an All-in-One set of powerful and neatly classified tools, settings and tweaks. Features Include:

  • Process Identification – Identify unrecognized software
  • Start-Up Management – Disable unnecessary software increasing performance
  • Registry Cleaner - Can easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries
  • Disk Cleaner – Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart
  • Registry Defragmenter – Rebuilds and re-indexs your registry to reduce application response time and registry access time
  • Disk Defragmenter – Reduces the amount of fragmentation in file systems
  • Hard Drive Monitor – Gives the current values of various hard disk parameters such as Temperature, Head Flying Height, Spin-Up Time etc.
  • System Tools, File, Network and Security Tools
  • Security - EnhanceMySe7en has easy to configure security settings for managing the new security features of Windows Vista
  • Optimization - Optimize settings for maximum speed and stability
  • Customization - customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings
  • Network - Optimize your Internet connection speed
  • Many More!
6- Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Windows 7 Logon Background Changer is a free open source (source code available soon) software that let you change the wallpaper of the Windows 7 login screen. It has been tested successfully with the final version of Windows 7 (RTM) and Windows 7 RC 7100.

7- Windows 7 Logon Screen Rotator

Logon Screen Rotator is a free application that will change the logon background image to an image of your choosing and at a time of your choosing on Windows 7.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tools For Blogging

In blogging there are many softwares that are simply use for make money by blogging, but even the least intimidating blogging program can feel very overwhelming to somebody who has not spent a lot of time learning the ins and outs of different kinds of software. Particularly for newer bloggers, learning how to use the interface of blogging software is the most hard part of blogging. If you are somebody who feels comfortable expressing themselves in another medium, it may prove to be well worth your time and effort to learn blogging software, but that doesn’t mean that the task will be simple.

The main thing that will help you find success as you learn how to use a new kind of blogging software is to try and take things slowly. Many people get so excited about learning to blog that they try to rush into the thick of it and start exploring the most complicated features of a program straight away. This can lead to getting confused and feeling frustrated, and all too many potential bloggers burn out during this stage of the process. If you take your time learning the basics of your blog software program before you go on to more advanced techniques, you will be more likely to retain what you have learned, and to keep feeling positive about your ability to know the world of blogging.

Choosing The Right Free Blogging Tools

There are many free blogging tools on the market, but loading up your blog with all of the free accessories that you can find isn’t necessarily a excellent thought. While it may be tempting to add a visitor counter, a flashy background, an exciting new font, and a cluster of quirky animated gifs to your blog, this kind of plot can easily backfire. The key to getting the most from free blog tools is being selective.

It is a fantastic thought to learn about all of the kinds of free blogging tools that are available so that you can make an informed choice about what to add to your blog, but try to remember that just because you can have something doesn’t mean that you need it. Practice restraint and only choose the options that you reckon will really be useful. If you can find out how many visitors are reading your blog by checking your traffic statistics, a visitor counter is likely to add unnecessary clutter to your page. If your blog is text-based, a flashy background can be more of a distraction than an benefit. Be realistic about assessing what kinds of blog accessories will help you realize your vision and improve your site. Remember that even a blog tool that doesn’t cost you any cash may not be an asset in the long run.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Your Matter Your Recommendations

Hello Everybody,

As we know that we cannot touch the taste of everyone (for the moment).We basically try to focus more on your recommended topics, softwares, tutorials etc but in the end, there’s “always” something that a group don’t appreciate. So, I would very much like “You” guys to recommend us stuff that you want to see, your suggestions play a big part in whatever we are doing.

Feel free to email me at for your suggestions and how we can improve everything we’re already doing.


Customer Service for Unwanted vacations of Acer's Lame

A short time ago, there was virus in Laptop that cannot be handled by me and I am very upset for that virus. Because that virus destroyed my Windows Vista. Unfortunately, the recovery CD’s didn’t work as well which was strange since I never had a chance to used them and they were scratch less. Anyway, I was having some other issues as well so I thought I should send my laptop to the company on weekend and get it back on monday with all the problems fixed (hardware related as well, battery etc).

I told them that I have some important data is one of my drives so please make sure that it doesn’t get deleted. On monday, I called the company and the person in charge of warranties said that you have to back up your data yourself since they’re not responsible for it + they have to wipe out everything, format, do new partitions etc. The best they can do is give me the hard disk so I can take care of it. Now I never had a chance to buy the device which connects the laptop’s harddisk to another PC through USB for scenarios like this.

I called some friends to check if they have one and luckily one of my friends at Shophive said yes. I called the company and told them that I’ll come by in the evening to pick up the hard disk. So I took my car out, went there and the guy who had my laptop wasn’t there. After calling him, he said he’s out and forgot to take the HD out, you can pick it up tomorrow. Even if I’m not there, you’ll get it. So another day lost.

The next day, I went there again and he was out of office. I called him on the spot and he said “Oh, I forgot”, I told him to ask anyone else in his office to take it out and give it to me since it’s more than a week now. After some talks, I finally got the hard disk. I went to shophive, borrowed the device and copied the data in my brother’s laptop. The next day (Saturday) – I went to Acer’s office, gave the hard disk and asked if I can get it back tonight? – The answer was “No” since they had to leave early. Another week lost. On Monday, I went there and he said, it’s all done. Windows etc re-installed, everything’s new. I was a bit happy, asked him if he mange to fix my hardware issues? (Headphone pin was stuck in the audio knob + battery time wasn’t good). Guess what, he said “I forgot”!

So two weeks, 1 windows installation. I was enraged but couldn’t do anything. I took my laptop back home so I can start work and guess what, The drive with my data (which I thought would be formatted) was un-touched. Right now, I’m clueless, I don’t know what to say or do except, when will they take things seriously?

Now I am very happy because after that virus I am posting regularly.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Importance of Search Engine Optimization and its Benefits

On the internet you can download every type of programs for generating Site Map. Generator sitemap programs have two fundamental purposes. Generator sitemap programs help surfers navigate a site effectively. At the same time, a generator sitemap program encourages search engine spiders. Google offers one of the most well loved generator sitemap programs ever to hit the Internet.

The generator sitemap of google makes it possible for a website to get listed and get updated by the google search engine. Setting up the generator sitemap helps speed up the addition of the web pages of a site to the google listing. The generator sitemap also makes it simpler for a site to get noticed by online surfers. In addition, any changes made to a website that has a generator sitemap is immediately picked up by google. The generator sitemap also helps keep online information fresh and up-to-date for users.
Visibility is key to generator sitemap

Visibility is a major concern when using a generator sitemap. A website that is completely indexed has better chances of getting top search engine placement in page results. Many of the well loved browsers used by searchers and that support java recognize generator sitemap programs. These include firefox and Internet explorer.

An online consumer that searches for a specific content on the web can immediately be directed to any one of the web pages of a particular site. The generator sitemap makes it simpler for a search engine to provide accurate results from web pages they are familiar with.

Working with a generator sitemap

Most of the available generator sitemap programs available on the web make use of extensible markup language or XML. Similar to hypertext markup language or HTML, XML is used widely in blogs and syndicated feeds on the Internet. Each line of a XML code for a generator sitemap has a specific purpose.

The location or <.loc> identifies the name of the web page of a website. The line <.lastmod> indicates when the web page was last modified. The format for <.lastmod> can either be, hh:mm, dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. Shortcuts can also be used to simply the assignment of dates to the cell.

<.changefreq> advises the search engine of a specific time frame when the web page is regularly updated. This can either be done on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. For web pages that are not updated, the value ‘never’ is used. <.priority> indicates the level of priority that a search engine should give a particular web page of a website. These levels range from 0.0 for least priority to 1.0 for high priority.

Making a dynamic generator sitemap

Making a dynamic generator sitemap is useful for websites containing various web pages. The google search engine makes it simple for users to adapt their google sitemap with the help of a python script.

The python script generates a sitemap using sitemap protocol. This makes a sitemap from either access logs, URL lists or from web server directories.

Tips for using a generator sitemap from google

As one of more well loved search engines offering a generator sitemap for websites on the Internet, google offers a few tips for its loyal users. Using the google sitemap url encoder/decoder is helpful for submitting sitemaps to google. For websites that have numerous web pages, making a sitemap can be a tremendous task. For this situation it is best to click on the column title in order to make it simpler for a URL list to get sorted.

The google generator sitemap allows users to save their settings after making a sitemap. Users can use these saved settings as a guideline for succeeding generator sitemap updates. The generator sitemap also recognizes the use of robots.txt files.

Using a generator sitemap is a positive go in getting top ranking on the Internet’s top search engines as well as high visibility among online users.

Who can benefit from a generator sitemap?

A generator sitemap is highly recommended for websites that often do repeated modification of their web pages. A generator sitemap can be used for websites of any size, regardless of the number of web pages a site may contain.

Although using a generator sitemap is not a guarantee of increased site rankings, it does but provide a website a better opportunity of getting listed on a search engine.